Should the U.S. Expect an Iranian Cyberattack
Does Iran have the capability to take down critical infrastructure in the US via a cyber attack? According to the experts that we interviewed for The Black Sky Event Documentary Series, the Iranians have one of the most advanced and dangerous cyber armies in the world. It may be more of a question of the will to do it rather than the capability.
Leaders in government and private industry are extremely concerned about the venerabilities of our vital infrastructure to cyberattack, the excerpt below is from a NIAC (National Infrastructure Advisory Council) Council’s letter to President Trump in December 2019.
Mr. President,
“Escalating cyber risks to America’s critical infrastructures present an existential threat to the continuity of government, economic stability, social order, and national security. U.S. companies find themselves on the front lines of a cyberwar they are ill-equipped to win against nation-states intent on disrupting or destroying our critical infrastructure. Bold action is needed to prevent the dire consequences of a catastrophic cyber attack on energy, communication, and financial infrastructures.”
The NIAC report that accompanied the letter and recommended actions to help strengthen our cybersecurity for critical infrastructure.“The nation is not sufficiently organized to counter the aggressive tactics used by our adversaries to infiltrate, map, deny, disrupt, and destroy sensitive cyber systems in the private sector…”
Check out the link below to an article in the New Yorker on the current threat from Iran.
Source: The New Yorker https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/should-the-us-expect-an-iranian-cyberatt
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